
Trainer module

Score module

Module for various scoring strategies.

breze.learn.trainer.score.simple(f_score, *data)

Simple scoring strategy which just applies f_score to the passed arguments.

class breze.learn.trainer.score.MinibatchScore(max_samples, sample_dims)

MinibatchScore class.

Scoring strategy for very large data sets, where the score of only a subset of rows can be calculated at the same time. This score assumes that scores are averages.


max_samples (int) Maximum samples to calculcate the score for at the same time.
sample_dims (list of ints) Dimensions along which the samples are stored. The length of this list corresponds to the number of arguments the score takes. The entry along which different samples are stored.


__call__(f_score, *data) “Return the score of the data.
__init__(max_samples, sample_dims)

Create MinibatchScore object.


max_samples : int

Maximum samples to calculcate the score for at the same time.

sample_dims : list of ints

Dimensions along which the samples are stored. The length of this list corresponds to the number of arguments the score takes. The entry along which different samples are stored.

Report module