Miscellaneous functionality

Module holding miscellaneous functionality.

breze.arch.component.misc.pairwise_diff(X, Y=None)

Given two arrays with samples in the row, compute the pairwise differences.


X : Theano variable

Has shape (n, d). Contains one item per first dimension.

Y : Theano variable, optional [default: None]

Has shape (m, d). If not given, defaults to X.


res : Theano variable

Has shape (n, d, m).

breze.arch.component.misc.distance_matrix(X, Y=None, norm=<function l2>)

Return an expression containing the distances given the norm of up to two arrays containing samples.


X : Theano variable

Has shape (n, d). Contains one item per first dimension.

Y : Theano variable, optional [default: None]

Has shape (m, d). If not given, defaults to X.

norm : string or callable

Either a string pointing at a function in breze.arch.component.norm or a function that has the same signature as these.


res : Theano variable

Has shape (n, m).

breze.arch.component.misc.distance_matrix_by_diff(diff, norm=<function l2>)

Return an expression containing the distances given the norm norm arrays containing samples.


D : Theano variable

Has shape (n, d, m) and represents differences between two collections of the same set.

norm : string or callable

Either a string pointing at a function in breze.arch.component.norm or a function that has the same signature as these.


res : Theano variable

Has shape (n, m).


Return the entropy of categorical distributions described by the rows in arr.


arr : Theano variable

Array of shape (n, d) describing n different categorical variables. Rows need to sum up to 1 and be non-negative.


res : theano variable

Has shape (n,).

breze.arch.component.misc.project_into_l2_ball(arr, radius=1)

Return arr projected into the L2 ball.


arr : Theano variable

Array of shape either (n, d) or (d,). If the former, all rows are projected individually.

radius : float, optional [default: 1]


res : Theano variable

Projected result of the same shape as arr.